Monday, June 24, 2013


I am stuck!  I mean like standing in honey.  Not for real.  That stuff is to expensive to spill!!!  For a couple of months now Jason and I have been sleeping in my studio while our master bedroom was a store house for boxes.  Finally in one huge push and three days of unpacking and not much else we were able to get our bedroom somewhat set up and move in.  With that being said the futon is back against the wall and I am ready to get to work.

Yea about that.  I walk into my studio/office/guest room and this is what greets me. 

Why am I sitting here blogging about this nightmare?  Why am I in the dining room and not doing something about it?  For one the dining room is a bit less cluttered.  And for two this is my way of getting me motivated.  I thought if I could start with the horror that is the beginning and then update as I go it would keep me motivated. 

Anyone have a nightmare like this?

1 comment:

  1. Let's just say that my office/craft room has been usurped by a 6 year old and her 3 year old brother ( I must really love my grandkids!. I can't find a damn thing!
